Monday, October 19, 2009

I haven't done much with the archive yet because i've been working a lot on my group's presentation tomorrow.
When I chose my topic I had no idea how intense the workload was going to be.
I thought talking about my personal archive/collection of the narrative of my life would be quick and easy.... I mean I know my life so well.
But it ended up making me think a lot about my archive and how I've compiled it over the years...
turns out I know my life too well, and that's why it's difficult.
It sure has made me more interested in the questions and implications that come along with the archiving process. I never realized how much needs to be questioned and assessed when a collection is compiled. While photographing it I had a very difficult time deciding what to include and what not to include. I realized at one point that I should NOT be "curating" this exhibit... I'm far too close to it!

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