Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Useless Archive

while thinking about archives today i began to visualize the archives of my past.
i remembered an archive i (and many others) have owned that would be entirely useless to me now.
i'm sure it is lurking somewhere in my mother's basement...

The floppy archive

i had 50 or so floppy disks in a metal box that had all kinds of documents and programs on them. they were mostly labelled and were all the colours of the rainbow. they are probably hanging in my mother's basement because i wouldn't have thrown them out... all those important documents (journals, email logs, several ideas for books to be written).
now it seems silly that i held on to them just to deposit them in the basement where all things go to die anyway. next time i come across them, while perusing the basement for a book or a memento that i haven't entirely given up on, i PROMISE to throw them out, to not even read the labels, to not imagine grand efforts of finding a way to transfer them to CD. 
sometimes an archive must be given up.



  1. I wish I could just throw things like that out, but I'm such a pack rat. I would definitely have to go through each word doc--probably things that I had completed in elementary or high school--and it would be like opening a time capsule. Then once I experience that, I could throw them out. Or else feel a nagging guilt, "I should have opened it."

  2. i struggle with the same thing!
    i vow to be better though... my archive, at this rate, will become ridiculous by the time i'm an old lady if not!
